CERTIFIED ORGANIC 1 packet (50 seeds)
Cosmos bipinnatus Color your world with the finest color-makers in the wildflower meadow! Long-lasting continuous blooms– non-stop from mid-summer until frost. Big daisy-like flowers in maroon, pink and white. One of the best cut flowers for gorgeous summer bouquets. Among the simplest of plants to grow from seed. Great for larger wildflower plantings or small home gardens. Attracts birds, bees, and butterflies.
Growing Notes
Start seeds 4 to 6 weeks before last frost. Or direct seed after last spring frost 1/4 inch deep,
6 inches apart. Can scatter seed and rake in for ‘en masse’ plantings. Keep soil moist until seeds germinate. Transplant or thin to 12-18 inches apart for strong healthy plants. Full sun.
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